Alice Abracen

ALICE ABRACEN (she/hers) is an award-winning playwright, librettist and dramaturge based out of Montreal Quebec. She is a graduate of Harvard University and the National Theatre School of Canada's Playwriting Program. Her play Omission was featured in the Centennial Season of Alumnae Theatre in Toronto and her play The Covenant won the 2017 Canadian Jewish Playwriting Competition. What Rough Beast & The Tour, developed at the National Theatre School, received their US premieres with Underlings Theatre, Boston. Her work has been featured with the Harvard Radcliffe Dramatic Club, the Montreal Fringe, the New Words Festival of NTS, and two Women Playwrights International Conferences (Cape Town & Santiago). Her libretto The Chair, co-written with composer Maria Atallah, was a winner of the inaugural Mecenat Musica Prix Trois Femmes. She was a member of the Infinitheatre Playwright's Unit 2019-2020. Her play What Rough Beast was featured in Centaur Theatre’s Legacy Series and selected as Centaur Theatre’s Brave New Looks 2020. Her play Sacrifice was commissioned to be performed at the Centaur as part of Boca Del Lupo's Red Phone Project in 2020. Alice is one of the founders of Theatre Ouest End in Montreal.